Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday Thoughts

I just wanted to write and share with you a little story about me that happened 4 years ago.  I had found out I was pregnant and my husband and I was so excited!! It was going to be our 3rd child!! I had gone to church and had been having some problems and ended going to the doctor that morning.  The doctor gave me an ultrasound and told me there was a faint heartbeat.  I felt as though my heart had been crushed when I heard the doctor tell me I might have to have a D and C.  We went home crushed and I remember praying why God why? I knew we had prayed for another child and finally God answered our prayer and now that answer to pray had been taken away.   I never will forget that night my husband and I prayed that God would do his will not ours which was more than hard to pray.  I went to the doctor that next morning and they did the ultrasound and there was no heartbeat.  I remember crying and wondering why? I said alot of prayers and if it had not been for God and my husband being there for me I dont know if I would have gotten through that time. 

After a year we found out we were pregnant again. I was so scared after what had just happend but I had faith! Everything had been going great and we had a scare on the ultrasound at 5 months they had seen a cyst on the babys brain! We were told the baby may be fine or might not make it or have down syndrome.  With much prayer from friends and family we went back at 6 months and the doctors looked and looked and there was no sign of the cyst! It was such a weight lifted off of me! When you think God doesn't hear your prayers he does! I know God had his hand on our little girl ! Now 3 years old my little girl named Faith (which I promised God I would name her after his miraculous touch to her) is doing great and has no medical problems!!  I just wanted to share this with my fans and tell you a little bit more about myself and some of my as I like to call them trials I have gone through, but to me there not bad they just help show me that God has a plan for me and my life!  I may not have all of the pieces put together yet but he is laying them out for me.

"God want dissapoint us"  but our own expectations may.  So no matter what is going on in your life, know that he is working things out according to HIS will! Because he knows what is best for you.  When he says NO its only because he has something better for you. So be patient and, trust in him, stay in Faith... "For I know the plans I have for you, "Declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Jerimiah 29:11  

I hope you all have a wonderful week! God Bless!


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