Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Klout Perks new Perk for Planters Peanut butter Klout scores 45 or higher!!

Are you on Klout? I have been on it for a year now and love it! Earn points and get perks to try new products!!

If your not signed up you can click HERE to get started.

If you are signed up you can click HERE to see if you qualify for the Planters Peanut butter perk, must have a Klout score of 45 or higher! 

*You are awarded 10+K daily to giveaway and add new topics, this helps your klout score go up. If you need +K just let me know I am more than happy to help give you some, and you can add me as an influencer also if you would like*

(Thanks Adventures of a Couponista)

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