Sign up with Swagbucks and get free stuff !!

Are you signed up with Swagbucks? If not you should!! Click HERE to sign up and start saving your points to use to get free giftcards and other great prizes! You can get 30 just for signing up.
Swagbucks is a search engine and they give you Swagbucks for searching. You use Swagbucks search engine instead of Google search or other search engines. You don’t earn a Swagbuck every time you search, its a random thing. If you are going to search the internet why not use their search engine and be rewarded!! (For instance you can download there toolbar after you sign up and get swagbucks just for downloading the toolbar, after downloading the toolbar just type in anything in the search engine space and keep typing in things until you see a rectangle pop up you have won..... swagbucks I won 10 for searching today they vary day to day) You can also click on the NOSO tab under earn swagbucks and search there just skip all offers, and you will get 1 for this, plus daily poll come back everyday to get 1 point just for answering a question, and you get 1 point just for going to surveys you can do surveys to get more points also, and you get 1 point daily just for using the toolbar!! Plus I try to post swagbuck codes when they come out so you can get more points!! This is a great way to get free items! You can search in the store for deals to purchase my favorite is the amazon gift cards!! Only 450 points for a $5 giftcard!! It takes a little while to save up I have been doing mine for a while now and its well worth it to save and get free stuff!! So click HERE to get started and you will get 30 points just for signing up !

I just bought 2 of these Mighty beanz cases for $4.99 on for free after redeeming my swagbucks for Amazon giftcards!!

Happy Searching!!! And remember to search daily to get your swagbucks daily!